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International Weathervane Seminar
Harakka Island Helsinki  Finland

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 International Weather Vane Seminar.

 Harakka Island, Helsinki, Finland.


In July 1999 Steven was invited as part of a group of 40 international metalsmiths jewellers, artists and designers to an International Weather Vane Seminar on Harakka Island, in the heart of the city of Helsinki, as part of the city’s ‘capital of culture’ year. 

The project was lead by Finnish metal artist Matti Mattsson and supported by project partners including experts and friends from Helsinki, Lahti Polytechnic, the

University of Lappland, South and East Karelian Polytechnic, Adulta, Institute of Further Education in Järvenpää, Vihti School of Arts and Design. Ornamo - Finnish Association of Designers, Finnish Air Force, Harakka Artists Organization and The Harakka Nature Centre.


The participants came from 12 different countries including Denmark, UK, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Holland, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden and the USA. They spent 5 days working with recycled materials, including plane parts supplied by the Finnish Air Force.


Working together with the sea, the wind, water, the forces of nature, the light of the sun and the full moon as inspiration the participants worked outdoors to build weather vanes and wind sculptures. The seminar included exercises, workshops, presentations and discussions resulting in international networking of makers and sharing of creative practice and skills. On the last day an exhibition on the shores of Harakka, on the ferry and in the city centre provided an opportunity for the public to engage in the project.

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The island of Harakka is an archipelago in the very centre of Helsinki, a few minutes a ferry ride from the city shore line. Located between the islands of Särkkä and Uunisaari it was used by the Finnish Defence Forces as a military base, but was opened to the public in 1989 and is now a popular recreational area. The island is a nature reserve and the buildings once used by the defence forces on the island now provide artists studio spaces. 

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Reviews & Articles


Hufvudstadsbladet Torsdag 29 Juli 1999

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Etelå-Suomen Sanomat Lauantaina Heinåkuun 31 Påivånå 1999

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Hufvudstadsbladt Torsdag 29 Juli 1999

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Helsingin Sanomat Kaupunki Perjantaina 30. HeinåKutta 1999

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